Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Hello, I'm Sticking-in-Hair. I make high quality drums, among other things. I've received so many compliments on the sound and look of various drums I've made I decided go public and perhaps even sell a few. This is a Vintage Maple Tom. I'm working on a brass shell snare and a single-ply steam bent snare. More posts to come once I figure out how to do this blogging thing!


  1. sticking-in-hair, my husband is lucky enough to own your first fully hand-crafted kit, and he LOVES it. it seems to be modeled on the look and tone of that other well-known drummer fellow, charlie whatsisname...you know, from that band 'the broken bones'? something like that, sorry, I get names mixed up a lot. anyway, I'm so glad to see you here, ready to get your shop going! good luck, sticking-in-hair

  2. I'm glad he likes them. Any resemblance to Charlie Watts' drums was a coincidence. I'll explain in another post.
